Love, Birthday, Sisters

It is my Birthday today!! Yes, I still get so excited about my special day. The little kid in me still loves the excitement.

We have a tradition at our house that on our birthday we have cake for breakfast. It started as a fun thing to do for our son and now it’s our tradition. We love it and look forward to it.

We started my birthday celebration given by my sweet, beautiful, kind and loving friend Jamie.   Absolutely perfect and my small group of friends was all there. So much love, happiness and laughter around a beautifully decorated table, a fantastic meal and lots of great wine. All together to celebrate my special day. How lucky I am? I count my blessings every day.

I am blessed beyond belief for all the peoples in my life. We cannot choose our family but we can choose our friends. I have wonderful brothers, but we all live so far away from each other. We always have. I cherish every moment with them. However, throughout the years I have been blessed with friends that have become my family. My sisters at heart. The wonderful women that are always there for and   with me thru thick and thin. The village of mom’s that are there to help you raise your child. The strong women that are not scared to tell you the truth even if it may hurt you.

We are all so different, personality and career wise: a teacher, an artist, a life coach, real estate brokers and a chef. When we are together we share our life passions, thoughts and desires. A strong pack of women with strong wills and ideas. It is amazing to have those compassionate, intelligent, strong and gorgeous in and out women in my life. Those are women that are with your when you cry and console you, and cheer you on when you succeed and wonderful things are happening to you.

What is even more wonderful is that our spouses all get along and somehow manage to place a word here and there in the conversation when they can. Not an easy task.

As I blow my candles and I make a wish, I wish love, happiness, good health and prosperity to bless each and everyone of my friends and family. Wishing to everyone the love and happiness that is   my life each and every day.

To Jamie, Christy, Saman, Azita, Caren, I love you and thank you.








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