Create new experiences, adventures while traveling with the family
As I am preparing to board a plane for a quick getaway, the first since lockdown, I just remembered how wonderful it always has been to travel with my family and how much I cannot wait to do it again. The preparation, the trip itself, the memories along the way. Memories that we all will cherish from now to the end of time.
As a family that loves adventure, we are always ready to pack a bag and take off. We usually know the date that we leave, a starting point destination, when we are coming home and from where. We map out where we want to visit and what dates, but nothing is written on stone and we can make changes at the last minute. This has happened more than once and each time we had a fantastic time.
Why You Should Travel with the Family?
There are a lot of amazing benefits to traveling together as a family. Aside from the fact that it is extra fun to travel with the whole family, taking vacations together helps everyone to grown and learn in many ways. There are a lot of families that you always hear them say that they do not have the time or come up with all the excuses under the sun and never found a way to take a break as a family. The positive impact and bond that is created while traveling together, is something that will be remembered for a very long time.
The family that takes vacations together stays together.
Considering what we all have been going thru this past year, while most parents and kids are home-bound, we all also are all disconnected and in our own little world. Once in a while, you all need to take a break from work and the best way to spend even a simple weekend getaway is to be with the children. This is a great opportunity to bond, especially if you are too busy at work and your kids are always busy with school and/or with friends. It doesn’t have to be grand, a weekend at the beach would be nice, or go on a camping trip, or simply do a museum tour or a theme park tour.
This will be a great adventurous learning experience.
An out-of-town trip is a good learning experience not just for the kids but for you and your spouse as well. An out of the country trip is a good way to expose your children to a new culture, history, food, and environment. They will not learn that from school.
When you travel together to a new place, say, Europe or Asia, or even a simple hiking trip, you are creating new adventures and memories for the whole family. You can plan together so you can choose the best adventure trips that may appeal to everyone and then experience them together. Travel to places you have never been to before. Search for popular tourist spots, heritage sites, or other places you might be interested in traveling to.
When our son started being aware of our travels, we right the way got him involved in the decision making and we gave him the task to found ten things in the town which we wanted to go that was important to see and that he wanted to see. Amazing the result! It gave him ownership of the trip and got him all excited for it too. Going thru the list of activities and doing his suggestions, the excitement on his face was priceless. We, as parents, got to visit museums and do so much more than we originally had anticipated. Great learning for all of us.
Out of ordinary family vacations create new experiences.
Vacations are a great venue to experience new things together. For instance, plan to take a family cruise for the Christmas break. Your kids, especially if this will be the first time, will remember this experience for the rest of their lives. Take that wonderful ski trip. If your children are little, take them to a fun amusement park, Disney for example, just for them.
They will not be children forever.
Children grow up fast, so it would be great to travel with them when they are little. Time will come when they would prefer doing things without you, like traveling with their friends. Suddenly Mom and Dad are no longer on top of their list to spend time with. So, take the time for a family vacation while they still want and need your company. Or, if permitting, invite a friend to travel along.
You need to rest and unwind.
One of the most important reasons why you need to travel once in a while is to rest, relax, and unwind. If you’ve been working so hard or if your schedule is always full because of work, it’s always a good idea to take a break just to recharge and be with the people you love. Try planning for a relaxing activity even just for the weekend. A day at the beach or a simple trip to the spa with everyone is always a good idea.
Travel allows you to learn real-life values
Travel provides you various lessons that can help you in your life. From learning different cultures to perspectives, travel allows you to know values from different people around the world.
You can learn the lifestyle of a certain culture, of what they wear and in what they eat. You may also try to help others who are less fortunate. There are endless possibilities in traveling that lets you learn real-life values.
Whether simply taking a road trip or packing your bags for a skiing trip overseas, the benefits are the same. So create memories now.
Travel lets you try new and exciting challenges
If you are yearning to do something different, travel is the best thing to challenge yourself. It enables you to get out of your comfort zone.
You may travel to a place that you are not familiar with and challenge yourself to find your way around the area. Communicate with people who do not speak your native language and more.
Travelling allows you to feel excited and build confidence. Overcoming challenges, language barriers, will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your energy for future obstacles.
So, what are you waiting for? Start planning now your next family adventure.

This is so true. Traveling with the family creates memories that will last a lifetime.
Thank you Lia, for stopping by my page.