Dealing With The Uncertainties In Life

dealing with uncertainties in life

Dealing with the Uncertainties in Life

Sometimes life throws us off. Here you are curled into your own crazy cocoon of predictable, and suddenly everything changes. So what do you do? Should you turn to your family? How about your friends? Your significant other?

You can always turn to your family and the people you love when you are in a web of uncertainty. Aside from embracing an uncertain future, here are a few other pointers to keep in mind to keep you from being anxious and worried:

Rather than Forming Expectations, Make Plans

Having expectations is like setting yourself up for future disappointments. You can do a few things to serve as a guide for your tomorrow, but no one can really control what happens in the future. Expecting for the worse will lead to negative thoughts. When you become fixated on the worst things that could happen, you fail to seize opportunities that come along the way.

So, rather than expecting for something in the future, focus on what you will do to ensure that what you’re expecting is realized.

Prepare for Anything

Whether it’s being away from family or starting a new life with them in a different state or country, nothing is certain. The hardest part of the uncertainty is our inability to plan and become in control.

You may be feeling anxious since you’re not sure what’s going to be in store for you there. You’re thinking if your children will like it there or if they would get along with other children. Or if you are going away alone, you are probably having second thoughts if you are making the right decision of living too far away from your parents or your siblings.

Believe that you CAN plan for just about any possibilities.

Be Observant but Take Your Feelings with You

When you worry too much, you tend to get lost in your own feelings about it. Fear will creep in and then negative reactionary thoughts are never far behind. Supposing the cause of your anxiety is an uncertain future in a new place. When you begin worrying about becoming lonely would lead to more negative thoughts like “will I be able to make friends?” or “do I introduce myself to them?”

Unfounded speculations often lead to negative feelings, then it can lead to more speculations, and then more negative feelings.

Stop the cycle and recognize the feeling, which is fear. Then remind yourself that there’s no way that you can predict the future, but you can create one with positivity.  

Focus Only on What You Can Control

Fear and anxiety will make you overlook the little things that make life easier. As you obsess on something that hasn’t happened yet, you forget to focus on the bigger things that you can still do.

Focus on what you can control – your feelings, your actions, your thoughts. Do not worry about how you will meet people once you have transferred. Or do not think about having enough friends in your new place. You cannot control these things, but you can control how you will handle things the moment you’re there.

Life is full of uncertainties, but you do not have to dwell on them.



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