The Importance of Family Time

Digital diversions is swiftly robbing many of us from the real family connections. We need to contemplate what really matters in our lives. Whatever our definition of what family time is, real connection, communication, and play are all vital and irreplaceable commodities.

However, these become at a danger of extinction given the digital age where kids would rather spend more time watching YouTube videos on their tablets or mobile phones.

Even-though we are just simply scrolling through our social media accounts for hours on end or posting an update about our recent vacation.   Answering emails, we all seem to be fixated to our phones and laptops that we forget the importance of how to really live. The digital world is replacing the real connections with family and friends.

The most fundamental goal of spending time with family is to make opportunities for family members to connect, understand, and spend time with each other more often. The following are some of the benefits that further strengthen the importance of family time:

1. Building self-esteem and confidence

When we spend quality time with our children, we begin to see their strengths and weaknesses. Noticing their individuality and character. We can help them grow and fortify their strengths. The need to opens doors to sharing more experiences together, which are vital in building self confidence in our child. The more a child encounters things – good or bad – with his family, the more they becomes self-assured and confident in themselves.

2. Great bonding time

Shared memories could go a long way in strengthening the bond that ties between family members. Communicating with each other, supporting, and caring will all be possible when there is always time for each other. So even if you’re too busy, always make it a point to make time for the family.

Create a family tradition by meeting every night on the dinner table regardless of how busy everybody is. Agree on weekend bonding or even a simple Saturday outing with the family. These little efforts can do wonders for enticing great family time and bonding.

3. Enhances mental health

This is very crucial especially if we are dealing with   teenagers. Our teenagers today are facing depression because they think they are alone. But, with family time, children can voice out their sentiments and feelings because they know that there are people who truly care for them.   Instill in their young minds the importance of family time so that they will begin to put great value on it.

By helping our children participate in shared experiences, it lightens the load and improves their overall mental wellbeing.

Young people who spend seven or more hour hours a day on screen are more prone to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety.

As a whole, the role of family has a considerable influence on our children’s behavioral and emotional welfare. Spending quality time with the family is our initial and most important step towards raising happy and positive children who will be excellent contributors to the society and parents.

One one small thing to remember: life is 3 inches above the screen.



The Importance of family time

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